Stefan Sagmeister is far one of my favorite graphic designers. His design is innovative, very original and nature inspired. He dares to bring something new in the design world, something different from all the today's computer-based art work.
He attended school in Vienna, at the University for Applied Arts. Even though never interested in drawing, he believes that the studies of nature offered at the school helped him developing his talent and style that he has today. One of the few people interested in graphics among his colleagues, Sagmeister decides to apply for a scholarship offered by the Vienna's theater director, Hans Gratzer.He did not know at that time, but Gratzer familiar with Sagmeister's work, gave the scholarship to him and so the opportunity for him to study in New York for a few years. Great opportunity for Sagmeister. The following years he travels back to Austria and than to Hong Kong. While some of us believe that he already showed his talent to the world, he believes that he was just lucky and that everything just fell in his lap while he was doing 0, the designer states. When he finally comes back to New York, he starts working with the Hungarian graphic designer Tibor Kalman. Today Sagmeister runs his own business and he is among the most talented and well-known designer. He is mostly known for his CD cover designs, poster designs but also for his books.Evan though very successful and busy with clients, Sagmeister decides to leave, escape for a period to clean up his thoughts since his work "becomes repetitive." You would thing that he would have angry clients, who are left behind but on the contrary, Sagmeister is being supported and does not loose any clients. He has other interesting methods mentioned in an interview; every Thursday morning from 9-12 he does a complete CD cover design and he calls it experimental. After that he schedules a period of "free thinking". The afternoons are filled with reading and other relaxing activities. The designer further states in the interview, that a secret to good design is to keep your old sketchbook and go over it and look for ideas that maybe did "not work for the past but might work for the future."
A great, interesting personality with an even greater talent, Sagmeister is one of the leading designers in New York.
"Everybody who's honest is interesting",Stefan Sagmeister.

A conversation with Stefan Sagmeister and Lou Reed: Take a Walk on the Wild Side
Anonymous. Graphis. New York:May/Jun 2002. Vol. 58, Iss. 339, p. 124-135 (12 pp.)
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